
Heart Project

LIFE Urban Greening Plans Closing Conference

March 14 – 15

LIFE Urban Greening Plans Closing Conference

The project LIFE Urban Greening Plans is reaching its final stage. During the last two years, the project partners have been working very closely with other European institutions in order to streamline the inclusion of Green Infrastructure and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in urban areas as well as the promotion of healthy ecosystems in them.

For this reason, they invite all interested parties to join the LIFE Urban Greening Plans closing conference that will take place March 14 – 15.

At this final conference, they will bring together representatives from different disciplines to reflect on urban greening, sharing best practice and learning from the examples of Athens, Barcelona, Brussels, Lisbon and Milan and their actions that contribute to the implementation of Urban Greening Plans.

The Conference will take place during two days. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a highly interactive programme and to get answers to some of the following questions:

  • How can we further enhance ecosystem services in our cities?
  • How can green spaces contribute to urban resilience?
  • How can we incorporate urban greening at different levels of government?

Registration is free of charge HERE >>

Decision makers and urban planners across Europe are encouraged to participate as well as any professional interested in renaturing our cities!

For more information, please download the Conference program.

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