
HEART Project

HEART’s integrated approach aims to systematically improve urban health and reduce health disparities through an innovative Blue-Green-Solutions-based implementation mechanisms of urban planning that embraces and promotes the health and the wellbeing as a key-planning criterion. HEART aims to use medical evidence in clinical and non-clinical setting. For all clinical studies a sufficient ground of individuals will be selected to participate. Each case study will include approx. 800 individuals that will be selected by the medical and social experts of the consortium under the supervision of the local medical centers.

Most of the recruited persons to participate in the demonstration phase will be equipped with the proposed wearable devices. HEART will follow a technical process that also includes a variety of information coming from medical data in non-clinical settings.The HEART project will make use also of additional sources coming from the existing environmental sensors (through the participating city/regional authorities and health institutes), satellite/remote-sensing data, as well as European services, such as Copernicus).

All information will be processed in the data management tool that is using advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, modules and tools. This way, we aim to produce the evidence to prove the effects of various Blue-Green Solutions to public health and wellbeing in order to provide to the stakeholders (health/city/regional authorities) well-proven innovative urban planning methodologies as fundamental standards for future design of urban districts and regeneration of urban environments (especially deprived ones).

Our Technologies


Kick off Meeting - ML1

Official start of the project

M1 - March, 2021

Guidelines for stakeholder’s involvement - ML2

Interaction methodology and participatory planning system

M3 - May, 2021

The HEART system specifications - ML3

Definition of technical details based on contextual and stakeholders’ requirements

M8 - October, 2021

Software solutions developed and functioning – ML4

HCPM - Health-Centered Planning Matrix, HeartAround, MyFeel, Chat-Bot

M16 – August, 2022

Selection of Users and Methodology for the Clinical Studies – ML5

Framework of the clinical study, clinical indicators and criteria for users recruitment

M18 – October, 2022

Development of the DMS - Data Management System and the AI - artificial intelligence/ML – Machine Learning toolkits for the analysis of data – ML6

System for data management in the demonstration sites and the software toolkits

M24 – April, 2023

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