The proposed HCPM leverage the know-how of the master planning methodology (Goals Driven Planning Matrix – GDPM) based on: (a) systematic development of master-planning design brief with the required city functions; (b) Urban components Interaction matrix that identifies all synergies in planning, and (c) Cost dependence matrix utilizing synergies among BG and infrastructure to decrease costs. (ENPL) This technology is based on building up the HCPM model by connecting the results of multiple project phases to achieve a “matching” between the collected data (environmental and urban green space data) with the medical data (provided either by professional or personal measurements). The HCPM model includes non-linear relationships on how green urban interventions, environmental factors affect individuals’ health including mental health, and also associate them with phycological aspects. The HCPM multi-variable matrix of the non-linear relationships is constructed with the aid of AI tools and architectures. The purpose of the AI-based data analysis is to relate the environmental and BG factors with individuals’ disease as the ones supported by HEART.
ENPLUS, Imperial College London
Serbia, UK
Planning Technology
TRL5 - Technology Development
June 15, 2021