The mechanism for creating an enhanced level of understanding and mutual support of social groups (especially the vulnerable and socially underprivileged ones) is highly relevant for conflict resolution within urban developments. The method, designed to improve citizens’ cognitive performance and social health, will be based on the creation not only of specific urban spaces but also expanding it to the other parts of the city needed for social interactions and use of web-based dynamic interactive continuing dialogue tested in the demo-cities. Further enhanced through Mikser Socio-Cultural HUB. Mikser platform facilitates dialogues between the sectors of design, industry, government, the general public, and mass media to raise awareness and the standard of responsible sustainability-driven behavior by professionals, by industries, local authorities, and the society as a whole. Mikser focuses on the development and promotion of new talents in the fields of social and technological innovation, urban design, architecture, product, and service design as a relevant factor in the building of European sustainable and innovative society and reinforcement of sector’s capacity to operate transnationally by facilitating cross-sectoral cooperation. Mikser’s initiatives are testing new approaches to audience development that stimulate genuine interest in and improve access to innovative sustainable solutions. Mikser activities include: promoting trans-national mobility of young professionals; enhancing business and entrepreneurial skills of engineers and designers and upskill them to cooperate inter-disciplinary and internationally, offering new educational models and exchange programs between policymakers and young creative players; increasing awareness about the South-East European design potentials on the regional and international level. Mikser boasts of a significant number of strategic partnerships on a local, regional, and international level. Internationally, Mikser is recognized as a catalyst for the sustainable urban revitalization of neglected and underused urban areas, relying on environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability and fostering social inclusion, cultural exchange, and culture of participation of all interested stakeholders. Mikser has a large experience in creating creative and community hubs which are “anchors” of community life, open for public participation and social production, the driving force for sustainable urban future, and natural places for the dissemination of knowledge and good practices in various fields of sustainable development.
Mikser Association
Society, Culture
TRL6 - Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
June 15, 2021