RISA has acted as a consultant for the German federal environmental office (Umweltbundesamt) concerning IT solutions for the national implementation of the EU industrial emission directive and for the administration of the fourth period of emission certificate trading. RISA management expects a strong future need for risk analyses, information systems and decision analysis/support tools in technical and environmental areas with big potential for hazards and/or pollution. Accordingly, the company has been a partner in eight EU funded projects on probabilistic structural reliability and/or decision support. In these projects, RISA was in charge of the assessment of the time-dependent, probabilistic, structural reliability and/or decision analysis/support. RISA has also participated in a large number of EU funded projects covering a wide range of IT solutions and technologies in different application domains. Among other fields, the company has been active in various commercial and research projects dealing with big data analytics, as well as has acted as the system integrator in several EC funded projects. Moreover, RISA has been the coordinator of Eco-Bot, a EU funded project aiming to engage consumers towards more energy efficiency behaviour through the implementation of a chatbot that exploits multi-factorial behavioural modelling and provides personalised energy efficiency advice; in this project, among other tasks, RISA is also the lead partner of the Eco-Bot system integration.