Resilience Guard
RG’s business and research focus has been to continuously find innovative methods to measure Resiliency Maturity for organizations through a matrix that assesses Structure, Systems and Strategy of an organization against a 5-scale grade, that helps to get a much better understanding of the opportunities for improvement, creating at the same time the proper roadmap in order to facilitate, actions, investments and management commitment. Resilience Guard is a trusted partner of UNISDR since 2013 where we participate as an active member to their ARISE group, supporting Business Continuity and Resiliency Initiatives worldwide by providing expertise as needed. Members of the managerial team, have been nominated as Global Business Continuity Manager of the Year 2012 and 2014 by the Business Continuity Institute UK, for the innovative ideas, the budget usage efficiency and awareness level created to all our interested parties, including not just the employees of an organisation but the surrounding community as well, so as to infuse and facilitate a community based response model towards better preparedness against unforeseen situation impacting business as usual.